Friday, May 27, 2011

Living in Color

Hello all - just checking in. I haven't disappeared! Many of you know how the month of May is! CRAZY!

I've been working on paint studies. Going back to my roots of color-filled paintings on canvases at least 16x20 inches. These are some I have been working on - they are on flat canvases which would need to be framed. I will list them in a few weeks, after I get back from a trip.

I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


"Lollies" for sale. Click here to view.

I've named this painting "Lollies". This field of flowers look like a bunch of lollipops in shades of pinks, purples, blues, oranges, greens, and yellows. I think I may have covered all the colors here in this painting! 

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Bit of Summer

"Summer Garden" for sale. Click here to view.

We've had a lot of rain lately, which is great for my garden! It's not so great for all the outdoor kid activities that are planned in these last couple of weeks of May. I have a couple of sick kids at home right now - probably a result of too much soccer in the freezing cold. 

The above painting makes me happy, and it makes me look forward to warmer days. We just have to survive get through this month! Have a great Monday everyone!

Friday, May 6, 2011

"Growing Up" for sale. Click here to view.

I loved painting this. There was no real plan for this painting, the colors and shapes just emerged. There is such a freedom in just letting it happen. 

This painting looks great on its own, or framed. I love the mix of the traditional frame and the abstract painting.

Have a great weekend everyone! You guys are fantastic!